Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Hello everyone. I hope you have benefited in some way from Christian Bands You Should Know About and Underground Christian Bands. I have really worked hard to try to find—what I think—are some of the best Christian artists out there. But you may have noticed that there hasn't been a whole lot of new content for several months now. The reason is that I have gone into a new season in my life. God has opened up a great opportunity for me to go to college, and that has ultimately taken up any remaining space that I have available. Also, I am working on an album with my band Underground Railroad. So as you can imagine, I am very busy. Eventually, if God leads me in this direction again, I will put as much effort into it as I have in the past. Don't get me wrong. I am still doing it—only on an extremely part-time basis now. I just didn't want you to wonder, and think maybe these sites were going into the graveyard, as so many others have. In the meantime, keep the faith and love the Lord with your everything!


1 comment:

  1. Cory, Thanks for the update. Check out the Agape Blues Company near Albany, NY.
