Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Attention Christian Radio Stations

Ok, so I haven't come on this blog for some time, but I really feel compelled to express myself to my viewers, which hopefully some are involved in radio. I really feel that it is quite a travesty for you to only play the same 8 bands over and over and over and over and over and over again. I think that this is a travesty to the Christian artist market. How in the world is the world going to believe that Christians can produce unique art when you only play these same bands—and very often the same songs over and over again? I believe that we need to encourage all forms of music, not just the same bands who somehow made it on the list. Is this about money or is it about expressing diversity in the body of Christ? You will notice that I am not naming any bands in my post. I don't need to. You know who they are. What are we saying to Christian musicians? If you don't make music that sounds like these guys then you will not be heard. Is that diversity? Or, are we saying that there is an exclusive club of just 8-10 bands who you will only hear on our radio stations. Therefore, don't expect to ever get your style of music heard on a broader level. I am sorry, but this bothers me.

Now, I also understand that there are many stations I am sure who do play a diverse range of music. But for those who don't, please....please...please... there are other Christian artists who have great music. Please encourage all expressions of music and help promote diversity in the body of Christ. We need this.

I know that the music I write and play does not sound a whole lot like these mainstream bands. Should I just assume that they will only be heard by those sitting down in my living room? Or, what if I decided to take my music and start going out into Christian coffeeshops? What if the owners' say, "well, it doesn't sound like the same 8 bands I am used to hearing all the time. I am not sure that this is acceptable to my Christian customers." Will there ever be a stronger expression of diversity in the body of Christ? Sheesh, I sure hope so...


  1. 1,000% agree!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I don't listen to any radio anymore.
    It's all terrible.
    I have to hunt down music (CD's because I'm old and that's the proper way to own music) so I can then rip them to mp3 and put them in a cheap mp3 to fm player in my truck.

    The variety of styles available is impressive, but difficult to track down in many instances because anything not 'praise and worship' is not catalogued in any form of easily searchable manner.

    Radio is dead.
    Greed and poor taste killed it.

    Here's my quieter contribution to the cause...
