I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me. ~Jesus

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Satan, Father of Isis

This morning as I was reading through the new Voice of the Martyrs magazine, I noticed this story. Really impacted me as to how truly evil these people are. I can see satan's fingerprints written all over it. What I am seeing here would go nicely with a Slayer soundtrack. Truly, these thoughts and actions are coming from their real father, Satan.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Revelation - This is written to the church.

If you name the name of Christ, then pay attention to these words. These verses let you peek in and see the mind and heart of God with regard to his church and holiness. 

Revelation 3

3And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead. 2 Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die:  for I have not found thy works perfect before God. 3 Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee. 4 Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white:  for they are worthy. 5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my father, and before his angels. 6 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Quiet Waters - Comfort

Ok, so I have already written about this album and artist, but I wanted to call more attention to this side project, by former Separatist member Sam Dishington, called Quiet Waters. The EP is titled Comfort and if you donate, the proceeds go directly to the A21 Campaign.

What makes this project really intriguing is that Sam is a big-time metal guy and this is a straight up Alternative Rock album. So you have some serious skill behind the album. It's like toned down energy that's explosive. I will admit... When I first heard the album, I thought it was ok, but the more I have played it, the more I realize how refreshing it is, in a scene that is too predictable.

One of my favorite decades in music is the 90's, and the sound he has captured on this one, incorporates a lot of those elements. But beyond the sound, it is total one on one worship to Almighty God. I read somewhere that Sam said that he got sort of complacent singing other peoples worship music. He wanted to do something on a personal level between him and God. And let me tell you, it is powerful. Sometimes, I get seriously taken aback by the raw emotion on this record.

I just had to share it again....

Promise Land - Harmony In Ruins

I came across this album by Promise Land a while back and finally just got around to listening to it. It's really decent if you're into Theocracy-type bands. The genre is basically symphonic metal that reminds me of a movie score at times. My favorite song on it is The Piper Illusion. Check em out.


Thursday, July 10, 2014

Hello Industry - Matter

Where have I been? I had no idea that Hello Industry had released another album. If you're not familiar with them, definitely check them out.  I sort of think of them as a classy, intellectual band with a vibrantly, melancholy vibe. This might be the best band you've never heard of and their albums just keep getting better and better. Wow, I can't believe I just stumbled on this tonight. This record is great!

Monday, July 7, 2014

War Of Ages - Chaos Theory

Wow, Facedown just left a monster at my doorstep. War Of Ages' Chaos Theory is a super gnarly new track that will leave you feeling very satisfied. Watching these guys evolve over the years and explode into this sound is nice. They have literally gotten so much better at writing, exploring new avenues in music and at their instruments. Really digging this.

Band Facebook

Monday, May 26, 2014

Hymns For Selena

I want to share something special that I have recently come across called Hymns For Selena. This is one of the most Christlike stories that I have learned about this year and it has really touched my heart. The story in a nutshell is Josh and Angela Walker were on a mission trip in Guatemala where they fell in love with an orphan named Selena who has cerebral palsy. Their heart was overwhelmed with love for her and they wanted to adopt her and bring her back to the states. But due to changes taking place with international adoption laws they were unable to do that and still haven't been able to after 6 years.

However, the story doesn't end there. They love her, they pray for her and want the best for her so they put together a project comprised of 12 different artists doing 10 hymns in modern fashion. When I listened to the album I discovered a beautiful taste and selection of instruments where the arrangements were obviously well thought out. I was also very surprised at the talent displayed and the high level of production value. The important question for me when looking at an album made by Christians is whether or not the Holy Spirit is involved, and on this one, I definitely felt God present. Overall, the album left me feeling very satisfied and uplifted, and is one of the best I have heard all year.

Please watch the video and go to their website to get involved. The album is available for free on NoiseTrade and I encourage you to go there, download it and leave a tip. 100% of the proceeds go to her foster family in Guatemala to meet her needs.

Download The Album HERE

For More Information, Visit Their Website HERE


Josh, Angela and Selena

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Future of Forestry - All I Want

I just continue to get blown away by Future of Forestry and what God is doing through this band. They are serious professionals behind their instruments and are not putting anything cheesy out these days that I have seen at all. This is their latest video.

My Epic - Arise Instrumental

My Epic is releasing an instrumental version of Behold. The album will drop this Tuesday May 27 digitally.

And quoting from Facedown Records,

"Arise is the first track on Behold and is the first of a trilogy of songs depicting the return of Jesus. This is a look at the magnitude & brevity of the world He holds together. "

I have listened to Arise and it's gnarly good. Check out this video for it.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Christian Aid Mission

I know that a lot of people that I've talked to about supporting ministries are unsure of who is really legit. I am here to tell you that I believe Christian Aid Mission is totally legit. What I suggest doing is reading a book called Finishing The Task that covers a lot about this ministry. Then decide. The book itself talks a lot about indigenous missionaries (mostly to other countries) and the persecuted church. Here in America, we really have no idea. I know you hear that a lot, but it's true. In other countries, people are literally risking their lives and freedom to follow Jesus. The book talks a lot about that as well as what Christian Aid Mission has done and continues to do all over the world.

FREE BOOK  -  Finishing The Task

Christian Aid Mission Website

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Atrocities - Set Free

Atrocities has some gnarly new tunes out for FREE right now. Of course, I recommend giving these dudes a donation. They're brand of punk rock is just too rad not to.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Quiet Waters

I came across a really nice artist by the name of Sam Dishington today. He is possibly more well known as being in the death metal band Separatist. On his worship project called Quiet Waters, he basically wanted to write and record some worship music coming from his heart. This is a most intense disc. It is psychedelic, ambient and at times very solemn, but very intimately worshipful. Definitely a record that you should know about.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Theocracy Debut Album Reissue

I just wanted to bring to your attention that Theocracy has re-recorded and re-released their debut album with drummer Shawn Benson. On the first run, it was singer Matt Smith doing all the arrangements, which if you listen to it, will likely be blown away. Now they have redone it with real drums.  Check it out!

Buy Here

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Derek Close - The Beta Sessions

Just want to give a quick update for my friend Derek Close. He has a new release out right now called The Beta Sessions. Derek Close was formerly the bassist in the Washington-based Grunge band My Cat Puddinhead. He has physical copies of his new album available or you can get it as a digital download.

Derek's Music

Friday, February 21, 2014

A Proclamation...

"Let us not glide through this world and then slip quietly out of it
without having blown the trumpet loud and long for our Blessed
Redeemer. At the very least, let us see to it that when the Devil
gets news of our departure from the battlefield, he throws a
thanksgiving party in hell."
-C.T. Studd

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Great Testimony About Abortion

Several years ago I shared my testimony with a friend, and she commented that it sounded like a "Chick Tract". At the time, I was unfamiliar with your publications, but I have recently acquired a lot of the "This Was Your Life" tracts for distribution around my hometown.

Before I was a Christian, my husband pressured me to have an abortion that I didn't want. I knew it was taking the life of my baby, but my husband's threats to leave me if I went through with the pregnancy, scared me into a decision I immediately came to regret. As I lay in the recovery room following the abortion, I tried to will myself to die. The guilt was so overwhelming, I felt that the only way to pay the price for my baby's life was to die myself.
I spent the next three years constantly thinking about suicide. The only thing that kept me from actually going through with it, was the strong conviction that I would go to Hell for what I had done, and that thought terrified me. My life was a nightmare. I worked at a medical lab that received the "products of conception" from abortions performed at several local hospitals. I couldn't escape the reality of what I had done. I daily saw the mutilated bodies of babies, victims of their mother's choice. It was horrifying!

I searched in the New Age Movement for answers to my grief. They promised peace, joy, and contentment, but they didn't offer the one thing I needed: relief from the guilt I carried so heavily. But I knew that I had crossed a boundary and put myself at odds with the God of the universe, and His wrath was going to descend upon me at my death.

Then one night I had a dream that changed my life. In my dream, I died and found myself standing in a long line of people outside the gates of Heaven. There was a man sitting at a high desk with a book open in front of him. He began to read an alphabetical list of various sins and told everyone who had committed each of these sins, to step out of the line. Since abortion begins with "A", it was the first sin he read. NO! I said. "There's been a mistake! The abortion wasn't my fault....My husband made me do it. It's his fault, not mine! I was in a panic as I pleaded with the attendant nearest me. He calmly looked at me and said, "The abortion was your sin. Your husband had his own role in that event, and he will be held accountable, but the abortion, itself, was yours." I prepared to argue, again, when suddenly I realized that no one had put a gun to my head, bound and gagged me, and literally forced the abortion on me. Although it was under protest, I was the one who ultimately consented to the procedure. I could have said no, and faced the consequences, but I didn't, so the abortion was truly my sin, and not directly my husband's fault. As I acknowledged my guilt, I stepped out of line. I asked the attendant where I needed to go, and he pointed away to the left, and then I noticed for the first time, in the distance, a lake of fire.

I woke up screaming, in a cold sweat. As I lay in bed, shaking from the realization that I truly deserved to spend eternity in the lake of fire, a new resolve came over me. I was no longer afraid to die and face Hell, because I knew for the first time that it was the only place I deserved, so I made up my mind to take my life and willingly accept the punishment I had been shown. But God had other plans.

A few days after the dream, I ended up at a Christian concert(of all things!), and there someone shared with me that I didn't need to take my own life to atone for my baby's death. That two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ bore the punishment I deserved as He died a painful, horrifying death on the cross to pay for my sin. The price had already been paid, would I accept His death on my behalf? I said, "yes" to Jesus at that moment, and was flooded with God's grace and forgiveness. I cried for joy as I received the relief I had been searching for, and discovered the wonder of salvation. I was instantly released from the guilt and pain I had carried for so long. What a Savior!

Anyway, that was over ten years ago, and I am still amazed at that amazing grace that saved a wretch like me. Those who are forgiven much, love much, and all I have to do to renew my love for Christ, is to remember how great a love He has for me, that He gave Himself up willingly for my sin. I would love to reach other women burdened by the guilt of abortion, with the forgiveness they can find at the cross.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Great Commission - Free Tracts


If any of my readers are ready to actually go out and start more proactively fulfilling The Great Commission, then I have a great resource for you. There is an organization called Fellowship Tract League that has several tracts available for FREE. This is so nice because all you have to do is go online, pick them out and they'll come right to your door. Jesus said,

     I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth! Go to the people of all nations and make them my disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to do everything I have told you. I will be with you always, even until the end of the world.
~Matthew  28:16-20

Tracts can provide a good way of planting a seed in someone's life. If you can, don't just stick it on a door or under a windshield wiper. People may respond better if you actually make a connection first. 

LINK to Fellowship Tract League

God bless!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Mouth of the South - Transparency Album

I just wanted to give everyone a heads up and let you know that Mouth of the South is giving their album Transparency away free right now. If you've never heard this band before, they are solid. You can either go to their Facebook page or follow this Link.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Acoustic Treatment For Home Recording Studio

As a student of audio recording, I subscribe to a site called Audio Masterclass. I read an article today that I thought would be helpful to my readers. It covers the basics of how to achieve better acoustics in your studio. Read on...

A brief introduction to acoustic treatment for the home recording studio

When you have achieved good soundproofing in your room, you will need acoustic treatment to make it sound good both for recording and monitoring.
By David Mellor, Course Director of Audio Masterclass
Acoustic treatment and soundproofing are two totally separate concepts. To start thinking about acoustic treatment, imagine a room constructed from thick concrete - walls, floor and ceiling. It's soundproof, but it sounds terrible because of the strong reflections from the hard, parallel surfaces. So let us consider how we would apply basic acoustic treatment to this room...
Acoustic treatment should achieve one of two things. Either it should make the room sound pleasant, or it should make it as dead as possible. Sounding pleasant is best, but it is difficult to achieve in small rooms. In a small room, such as the smallest bedroom of your apartment or house that you want to convert to a studio, it is often more practical just to deaden it as much as possible. The reason for this has to do with the frequencies of the standing waves that are created in small rooms, but that's a more advanced topic for another occasion.
Suppose though that you have a fairly large room, around twenty square meters or more. It's still made of concrete remember. What you want to do is get rid of the ugly reflections and replace them with a pleasant acoustic ambience in which to make music.
What the bare room has is a small number of very strong reflections. Small number - very strong. This is important. So firstly you would need to consider absorbing some of the reflected sound. This can be achieved in two principle ways...
Porous absorbers
It's easier to give examples of porous absorbers than to embark on a long-winded scientific description. Carpets, curtains and cushions are all great porous absorbers. The "Three C's" of acoustic treatment perhaps. But there's a cheaper material that makes an excellent porous absorber - mineral wool. You will find this at a builders' merchant in the form of loft insulation. It's intended for thermal insulation, but it works extremely well for absorbing sound too. Fiber glass loft insulation can work too, but mineral wool is more commonly used professionally. The only downside of mineral wool is that it sheds fibers and must be contained behind a fabric barrier. But you would want to do this to make it look good anyway.
Porous absorption is great, but it has one limitation - it only works well at medium and high frequencies. To work well at low frequencies it has to be VERY thick, or spaced away from the wall. A room that is treated only with porous absorption will be dead at high frequencies but still reverberant at low frequencies. Subjectively the room can sound rather oppressive, to the point of not being a pleasant place in which to work. Having said that, a room that has only porous absorption will be better than a room that has no absorption at all. Those bare concrete walls, remember?
Panel and membrane absorbers
Panel and membrane absorbers are basically the same thing, but the way in which the terms are commonly used changes according to the nature of the material used.
What we would normally call a panel absorber is a wooden panel mounted on a frame that spaces it away from a wall. The space behind the panel is completely enclosed. Sound energy is absorbed in the meshing of the wood fibers as the panel vibrates in response to sound. The panel absorber can be tuned to a specific range of frequencies, according to a formula that includes the mass of the panel and the spacing distance. It is perfectly practical to tune panel absorbers to work well at low frequencies, where porous absorbers struggle.
What we would normally call a membrane absorber uses a flexible surface, such as a material with a rubbery consistency. Where a hard panel will reflect some sound energy and mid and high frequencies, the flexible membrane will provide absorption in itself, regardless of the air-space behind. It too can be tuned, but the panel absorber is more precisely tunable to specific problem frequencies.
Absorption isn't the whole of the story in acoustic treatment. Going back to the bare concrete room with just a few strong reflections. These will occur at certain frequencies dependent on the dimensions of the room. Having just a few strong reflections, creating resonances at certain frequencies, is subjectively unpleasant to the ear. It is much better to have many weak reflections, which will create a diffused sound field within the room.
This can be done with hard, irregular surfaces. You can buy diffusers, or make them yourself. A bookshelf filled with books of different sizes actually works quite well and provides a combination of diffusion and absorption.
In summary, good acoustic treatment consists of a combination of porous absorption, panel/membrane absorption, and diffusion. Although the very best results will be achieved through scientific methods and calculations, surprisingly good results can be achieved through educated guesswork and experimentation.
One more point...
Although professional recording studios have separate recording rooms and control rooms, at Audio Masterclass we recognize that most home recording studios have just a single room. Ideally the requirements in terms of acoustic treatment are different for recording and for monitoring, but there are methods and techniques that can be used to get the best results according to individual circumstances.
David MellorCourse Director, Audio Masterclass
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

P.S. I have personally been dedicated to Audio Education since 1986. Audio Masterclass has been online since 2001. We have helped literally thousands of our enrolled students make better recordings.
(end of article)

If you would like more information about Audio Masterclass follow this link:


Saturday, December 28, 2013

Jahi McMath Fund

It kind of blows me away that this lady isn't getting more support. If you are unaware of this story, then you should read up on it. Basically this lady took her daughter in for a fairly routine surgery and it went bad. Her kid has been declared brain dead and the hospital wants to pull the plug on Monday. Her mom feels like the girl needs more time for a miracle. She said that she believes she isn't brain dead. I know if I were in this position, I would want a miracle too, or at least have people support me until I had peace about it. She is looking for some financial help in order to get her daughter out of the current hospital and into another facility where they will give her more time. If you would care to help out, here is the link.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Warren Nicholson

Classical guitar ace Warren Nicholson just released a new album titled, "Latin American Guitar Favourites", which features works by Heitor Villa-Lobos and Agustin Barrios Mangore. Warren has been playing guitar a long time and is very skilled at it. If you're into instrumental guitar, you're in for a treat.



Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Soul Junk - 1961

Right now i'm diggin' on a new album called 1961 by Soul Junk. The music is not at all normal, garden-variety, or whatever you want to call it... It's different. It somehow engages your mind in a different way and challenges you to be a little weird. It's like a mishmash of art-rock, grunge, indie, 60's underground and psychedelic. What I really dig is the continuous lyrical use of Bible scripture. Glen (singer) has basically said in an interview that he likes to just be led by the Holy Spirit and this is just what happens. They have put out numerous albums and EP's over the years (1993-present). If you're down for something different over the holidays, then feast on this most epic band.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Sacred - Ashes To Ascension

Ok, I know some of my readers are going to be really excited about this news. I have finally found a Christian band that sounds like Tool. Over the years, I have noticed that a lot of Christians trying to break away from Tool, are looking for their replacement. Sacred isn't, but they come closer than any other band I have heard.


Brian Sumner - Suicide

This is a video that I wanted to share of Brian Sumner (pro skateboarder) talking about suicide.


Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Stuff of Legends

William Wallace. Maximus Decimus Meridius. King Leonidas. Movie legends.

Muhammad Ali. Babe Ruth. Bill Russell. Sports legends.

Michael Jackson. The Beatles. Bob Marley. Music legends.

What do all of these legends have in common? Their accomplishments seem larger than life. At times in their stories, each one of them seemed invincible. And their stories were so inspiring that men just kept retelling them over and over, eventually turning the details into folklore, stories that continue to live long after their time is past.

Samson had a moment like that, too, which we’ll read about today. A moment he shared with 1,000 other men.

How does Samson do it? There’s no question that it was God’s strength: “The Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon him.” All credit, all glory, belongs to God and God alone. Jesus once said that with God, nothing is impossible. God gets done the things that he wants done.

Unfortunately, another thing you’ll see today (in Judges 15:16) is that Samson takes credit for God’s power. He was arrogant. Arrogance is always born out of our insecurities. When we don’t know who we are in Christ, most of us look to pride to try to fill that void—just like Samson did.

Many of us try to define ourselves by our accomplishments, to find our worth in what we’ve done, instead of in the One we belong to. We want to rely on our achievements, our victories, our trophies, our wins to define us, instead of acknowledging God as the source of all good things in our lives. And like Samson, we want to get the credit. We want to be known as “a winner,” “a beast,” “a leader,” “a man’s man,” “somebody.”

Pride can be intoxicating. But the hangover is hell. We’re human; we do have (many) limitations, and we need to rely on God. If you lose sight of your identity and try to convince yourself that you’re a legend, you’ll miss the true legend in your life: that the God who made the universe calls you his son.
What’s defining you? Remember, you only get this one life. Whose name are you trying to make great?

(taken from the YouVersion Fight Devotional)

Sunday, October 27, 2013

My Epic - Curse

So My Epic just released a new track called Curse off their upcoming album Behold that's set to release in December. Seems to me like these guys are progressing musically into deeper artistic territories which is nice to hear. For those of you that are new to My Epic, their sound is a mesh between a falling feather and a soaring rocket. Kind of leaves me with a feeling of wanting to do something greater with my short life... uneasy and unsatisfied, yet full.

Monday, October 14, 2013

This Divided World

I am being brutally pummeled right now by a band called This Divided World. No actually, I am really enjoying them. They have a nice touch with lack of redundancy, lightning quick drums, sludgy guitars and lower-pitched growls. If you're into getting hammered musically, then this is it.


Monday, October 7, 2013

Enduring House

I recently checked back on an East Texas band that I discovered over a year ago and I was pleasantly surprised to see how they're progressing musically. Their newest material is up on Bandcamp, and though they aren't the final "professional" recordings, they're still really good. Enduring House has a mixture of Southern rock, Post-grunge and Classic Metal. The guitar work as far as writing is definitely not boring and has some creativity. The singer has decent range and a voice personality that you don't hear often. Definitely, give this band a try. I look forward to their new, finished material.

Music Page

The Final Quest

Right now, I am reading a book called The Final Quest by Rick Joyner. I stumbled onto it actually, and had no idea what it was about. I really don't recommend books that often because I am unsure as to whether Christ would want me to or not. This book however is different. From the start, I have been locked onto it, absorbing what I believe to be incredible revelations. From what I understand, Rick derived all the content in the book from a dream then visions and prophetic experiences. It will take you on a serious ride and if you are open to it, can change your life. Numerous times today while reading, I have felt the Holy Spirit all over my face strongly. Maybe it's because I am so focused and enthralled by the story, and it is true... or maybe my faith is increasing greatly. I am not sure. All I know is, it is changing me for the better. If you're interested in reading it, here is a link to a free online copy.


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Loud Bird - Tree

I just randomly picked a band on Noisetrade the other day called Loud Bird. After giving it a listen (the day was perfect for their sound - cloudy and overcast), I was thrilled to find something different that hearkens back to the 90's era where bands didn't really care how much recognition they got or how many records they sold. Their sound is hard to pin down because it is layered and noisy but beautiful at the same time. The vocals aren't the most dominant part. They just kind of hover in the background. The music is very explorative and I really like the drum beats and overlayed sounds. All in all, this is most definitely a band that people need to know about if you're into sonic-alternative, and one that I highly recommend. Nice find.

Artist Page

Scott Stapp - Slow Suicide - Proof of Life

Scott Stapp just released a new song called Slow Suicide for his upcoming album "Proof of Life" that's due to hit on November 11 this year. You've probably heard, Scott has made serious changes in his life and has even written a book about it called Sinner's Creed. By the sound of this song, his music is a little different now (my son thinks it's better than new Creed), and has a more straight up hard rock feel. I am glad that he didn't go in a more mellow direction. Part of what I liked about him in the early Creed years was how he brought the house down vocally, building on the choruses. It's good to have him back in an even better way. I'm excited to hear the rest of the album.


Monday, September 23, 2013

Kevin Hayes

Kevin is a singer songwriter based out of the Chicago, Illinois area. A song passed through my desk that he just composed, and I must say, it is refreshing. Kevin is a dynamic soul singer teamed up with highly talented acoustic guitarist Matt Kupcso. They just released a new song called Never Felt This Kind of Love and are set to release an EP soon titled Pure. Their sound is very signature and not like something you would hear too often, if at all. It has a very bluesy, alternative-acoustic sound with soul. The lyrics are very thoughtful and sung beautifully. You can purchase their song on Itunes and CD Baby. Be on the lookout for this EP. I am sure it will be nice.

Artist Page

Friday, August 30, 2013

Mouth of the South - Transparency

Ok, I don't feature a band on my blog very often unless they really get my attention. 2 or 3 years back I found out about Mouth of the South when they were a little band. I checked them out, found them worthy, and put them on my metal post with all the other bands. But lately, I have noticed a lot of buzz about this band. As with most of the tiny, underground bands I find, I figured they would make an EP and fold after about a year or so. But not these guys. After scoping two videos for their songs Riddance and Uprooted, I was blown away. These guys have definitely not only mastered their craft, but have brought a new sound the metal market. Finally, something truly heavy with groove. I hope this is an indicator of the direction metal is taking now, because this is good! Here is one of the songs that I mentioned. I think you'll agree too.

Music Page

Photo credit goes to:  Prison Mike

Friday, August 23, 2013

Deeper Well

There is some really nice music ministry brewing on the West Coast at Door of Hope. Door of Hope is a Portland, Oregon based church pastored by Josh White (formerly of Telecast, now with The Followers and Pilgrim). I also believe this is where Josh Garrels (my favorite musician) gathers. Deeper Well is the name given to their music ministry where those that desire to express their musical giftings get to. Artists like La Liberte, Wesley Randolph Eader, Holly Ann and others make up this group of musical troubadours. I recently received an email for a video of a song called Empty Me Out, sung by Liz Vice. She also sings with The Followers, and let me tell you, she's got that soul. Here are a couple of videos from the Deeper Well Collective. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


I just recently found out about an up and coming hip hop artist called P-Munnay. The thing that intrigues me about him is that he seems very ministry-oriented. He has a new album called Changed (The Gates) due to release in early September. On his website, he has a free track available off the album as well as a personalized promo video and music video. If Hip Hop is your thing, then you should check out P-Munnay.


Wednesday, July 31, 2013

My Cat Puddinhead - Interview

An interview with Derek Close, bassist for the band My Cat Puddinhead.

Derek Close (Pictured Above)

So what years were you officially active as a band and where did you guys form?
  • I think the total run was '93 to '96. Maybe '97? The two Mikes and Tony started the project and I'm not sure how they all got together. They had a bass player but things didn't work out. I had done some casual jamming with Mike Young a year or so before and he called me up and asked if I could fill in for an upcoming gig. During this time, the band I was playing with fell apart so I joined on as Puddinhead's bassist. I came in late '93 and was with them until June '94.
Who all was in the band?
  • Mike Blake: Vocals, Lead/Rhythm Guitar
  • Mike Young: Drums
  • Tony Benedetti: Lead/Rhythm Guitar
  • Derek Close: Bass (until June '94)
  • Jeremy Christopherson: Bass (June/July '94 on)
Do you still keep in touch? And if so, what is everyone doing now?
  • I've lost touch with the guys over the years. I haven't heard what Mike Young and Tony are up to these days. Mike Blake went on to play with Grammatrain for a bit then he and Paul Roraback joined forces and formed Gideon's Press which then became The Illustrated Band. I'm not sure what he's doing now but I'd be willing to bet it involves music.
So did you guys put out one album or do you have other recordings?
  • There are 2 Puddinhead recordings. The Self-Titled cassette and the CD that I've heard referred to as For Sale by Owner.
Where did you record it?
  • The first album was recorded at Creation Studios in Everett, WA. I was no longer in the band for the 2nd release but I do have a copy of it. It was recorded at Audio Genesis Studios.
You guys have a really interesting sound. Kind of hard to pin down. It seems like it combines elements of many of the grunge sounds of the 90's. Did one person do the writing or was it more collaborative?
  • Mike Blake was the principal writer. He'd come in with a song, or idea and we'd jam on it until it was complete. Each member would play along constructing our parts, throw in ideas for nuance or punch or the like. It worked for us and usually went really smooth.

My personal favorite is Finger. Did you guys have a song off the album that you liked to play most?
  • Wow. That's a tough question. I don't know about the other guys, but I really enjoyed most of the songs we played. I think it would be safe to say that we enjoyed the music we played and we enjoyed playing together.
What did most people seem to enjoy hearing live?
  • Another tough question. I don't recall any specific song that people seemed to like most live or were drawn to. The feedback we did get was positive. At this time we were a young, unheard of band swimming in a sea of unknowns. So most shows we played were for people hearing us for the first time.
What was your favorite?
  • If I had to pick one it would either be Sick or Kinda-Bent.
Describe a My Cat Puddinhead show for us who never got to see you play live?
  • We played a lot of small clubs in Seattle so most shows where just us playing under whatever houselights the venue had. It would be pretty typical, four guys rocking with some fog or smoke with a little banter between songs. We didn't have any signature moves or choreographed “dance” steps or the like. We got up, played our songs then usually watched the next band or two.
I know Sub Pop was one of the big labels around that time. Were you ever approached by any labels?
  • Non that I know of. Again, we were just getting our feet wet and starting to build a fan base. I didn't hear of any labels approaching them after I had departed.
Did you ever share the stage with some of the grunge icons of the past?
  • Unfortunately not. We did do a couple of shows with Soulfood '76. They were really good and lasted longer than Puddinhead did.
What bands did you guys play with?
  • I can't remember the names as most of them were unknowns also. Plus it's only been about 20 years. Besides Soulfood '76, there was Bucket, one called Mama, and another called Clutch or some kind of car part. I remember Chump, too.
What was it like being a part of that scene back in the day? I mean you were so close to where it all happened.
  • The music scene was pretty nuts in Seattle. You had Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden and Nirvana who were hometown heroes and all eyes were on Seattle. Everybody was hoping to be discovered so vying for attention was pretty difficult. It was hard to even get a good slot to play in. We did a lot of late night shows that were on the mid-week schedule. And a lot of those were in between 3 or 4 other bands that were scheduled for that night.

Do you ever think that if you stuck it out for another album or two you might have been a part of that success?
  • I've always thought that Puddinhead had a real shot of being able to break through. Even after I left the band I expected them to go further than they did. As I mentioned before, they did release a 2nd album that got fair reviews and a good reception from the established fan base. I picked up a copy, too. I think if they gave it more time they could have gone further.
How important was faith in Jesus to My Cat Puddinhead?
  • Extremely! We were all believers, attended the same church and played on the Worship Team. As any believer knows, our walk with Christ is an every day, every moment thing. He is a part of you and not something you can pick up or set down at leisure. God is nn my mind the majority of the time.
Do you have any final words you would like to say to your readers?
  • Thanks for your interest in My Cat Puddinhead. Finding out that people are still listening to and/or just discovering something you had a hand in is pretty cool. It was fun taking a walk down Memory Lane!

Interviewer:  Cory Enderby
Interview done on July 30,2013